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  2. Analytics
  3. Overview & Best Practices

Nyla Analytics

Ensure best in class tracking with Nyla analytics

Nyla makes it easy to manage and add the tags you need. All while keeping your Nyla site fast. This article walks you through how Nyla Analytics works, and how to set analytics, tags and tracking up for your site. 


As covered in Nyla & Shopify, Nyla powers your site up to checkout. Everything from checkout and beyond is managed in Shopify. 

This means that Nyla sites send events for the shopping experience up to checkout, and everything from checkout and beyond is handled on Shopify. Customers' Session IDs are maintained between your Nyla site to Shopify to ensure continuity on tagging throughout their journey. 
In turn, this means that when you set up your analytics and tracking: 
  • Anything that needs to be added to checkout or beyond (e.g your thank you page) should be added natively on Shopify 
  • Any tags and tracking that needs to be added prior to checkout should be added on your Nyla site

Best practice analytics setup

The best practice analytics setup for Nyla consists of: 

  • Native tags: use Nyla's native support for the most common tags to send site events to key vendors. See more here. 
  • Google Tag Manager: leverage the Nyla Data layer events in order to add custom tagging and non-native pixels to your site. See more. 
  • Shopify: ensure all tagging that relies on checkout events is added on Shopify 
  • Ensure your GDPR compliance app is switched on and activated for the locales relevant to your business. 

Note: if you need support on adding tags or tracking to Shopify, you should reach out to Shopify support/documentations or work with an expert in order to set these up.  

Events & the Nyla Data layer

The Nyla Data layer sends best practice events your Nyla site to the following locations: 

Native tags

Nyla has native support for key vendors enabling you to add tagging to your site quickly and easily. 

Current support includes: 

Ensure to add the activation settings for each one you want to activate, and then save and publish 

Cookie Consent

See the GDPR Compliance app for setting up cookie consent. 
See more on Cookies on Nyla.

Analytics Setup Checklist

See here for detail on our suggested steps in setting up analytics for your Nyla site during onboarding.