Setting up Analytics during Nyla onboarding

Set up your tags and tracking according to best practices

Adding tagging is a key step in the onboarding and launch process of your Nyla site. This article walks you through what you should do in order to get this right.

We suggest you carry out the following steps:

  1. Identify what tags and tracking needs to be added to your site
  2. Activate your Native tags
  3. Add additional tags to Google Tag Manager
  4. Ensure all Shopify native tagging for checkout and beyond is added
  5. Ensure to QA your analytics to ensure pixels are firing as expected

Identify Tags and Tracking

When moving to Nyla, you should identify the list of tags and tracking that you need. Common tags include things like: 

  • Ad pixels like Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Pinterest, Snap or TikTok
  • Analytics platforms like Google Analytics (GA4)
  • Apps that have functionality relying on customer data: like Klaviyo or Attentive
  • Affiliate platforms like Impact or Superfiliate

In order to know what tags you have on your site, we recommend that you: 

  1. Use a tool like to easily check which tags are loading on your site (screen recording below)

  2. Check for Web Pixels enabled in Shopify under Settings -> Customer Events (assuming you're using Checkout Extensibility in Shopify). Here's a recording of how to do that:

  3. Check with your team internally
  4. If Google Tag Manager (GTM) is active on your site, review tags in GTM.
  5. To be really sure you haven't missed something, check whether there are any App blocks being injected into your theme, review the source code of your Shopify theme, and look through "Additional Scripts" in Shopify checkout settings.

Any time you find a tag you want to keep, copy down its ID -- you'll need that in a later step.

If needed, you can work with a Nyla expert to do steps 4 and 5 on your behalf. 

Activate Nyla Native tagging

Once you have identified the list of tags that you need to add to your site, you should activate the tags that are supported natively by Nyla first. 

You can see this list here along with links to instructions for each tag. 

Add custom tags in Google Tag Manager

After adding native tags, remaining tagging should be added to your Google Tag Manager (GTM) container. We recommend to start with a fresh container on launching a Nyla site in order to optimise performance and remove unnecessary legacy implementations. See instructions on how to add your GTM container to Nyla

You should add all tags that are not included in the list of Nyla native tags to your GTM container using the Nyla data layer.

Ensure Shopify tags are added

Finally, ensure that all tags that require being added from checkout onwards in the shopping flow have been added to Shopify. You should follow the relevant documentation for each vendor in order to do so and reach out to vendors individually for support if required.

See here for more information on why this is necessary.

Test your tags are firing as expected

After your tags have been added, you should make sure that all pixels are firing as expected on the site.