Nyla & Shopify

Learn how Nyla works with Shopify to deliver shopping experiences

This article explains how Nyla and Shopify interact, so that you know where you should go to manage your shopping experience. 

How are Shopify and Nyla related?  

When an end user visits a Nyla website:
  • All pages up to checkout are powered by Nyla
  • Nyla sends analytics events for all pages up to checkout
  • Shopify powers checkout through to the point of order completion
  • Shopify sends all analytics events for all pages from checkout and beyond
  • Nyla pulls product, collection, customer and order data from Shopify to display on your site up to checkout

Everything from checkout and beyond is powered by Shopify. This includes all other channels that access Shopify directly (for instance, separate sales channels) are independent of Nyla. 

The Shopify <> Nyla connection: 

There is a two way interaction between Nyla and Shopify, enabling you to create seamless and tailored shopping experiences for your customers. 
Nyla pulling data from Shopify: In many cases, Nyla pulls data from Shopify via Sources and Properties. Shopify acts as a data "source" and your Nyla site references that source to display data pulled from Shopify on your site, or to use in conditional logic like conditional visibility or Gift with Purchase offers and so on. 
For example, when a customer visits one of your collection pages, Nyla will pull in the relevant products in that collection from Shopify along with the relevant properties (e.g prices, titles, product images and so on) and display then to the customer. 
Similarly, when a customer views their my account page, Nyla will pull in their customer information from Shopify and surface it to them on the site. 
Nyla sending data to Shopify: Nyla interacts with Shopify based on what your customers do on the site, for example when they add or remove items from the cart, go to checkout, change their account settings or add or remove discount codes from cart. 
If a customer adds a discount code on the site, then Nyla will tell Shopify what the code was, and the correct discount information will then be sent from Shopify to the customer. 
Likewise, if they add some products to cart, then Nyla will send that information to Shopify so that when they checkout, the right products and quantities will be added and so on. 
Nyla also sends analytics events to Shopify analytics.

Managed on Nyla: 

On Nyla, you manage all the pages on your site, up to checkout. This means that things like what sections go on your pages, your page settings and the content on your pages that is not referenced via third party sources are stored on Nyla. 
Some of the things managed on Nyla include: 

Managed on Shopify: 

Your product, collection, customer, discount and order data are uploaded and managed in Shopify. Likewise, anything to do with checkout, fulfilment or Shopify backend management is handled on Shopify itself.  
Some of the things managed on Shopify include: 
  • Checkout
  • Customer data
  • Order data
  • Product data
  • Collection data
  • Discounts
  • Post purchase flows
  • Many of your apps will be installed on your Shopify instance
 For a more detailed breakdown of where individual data entities are controlled, see the table "System of Record" below.
To how apps fit in, see Nyla, Shopify and Apps

System of Record


Controlled in Shopify

Controlled in Nyla


& Variants




Inventory / Availability

Main images/videos (above the fold)

Variant image

Filter values

Product tags


Sales channels

Option names & order

Option value names & order

Product page URL*

Product page meta description*

Product page additional images/videos* (typically below the fold)

Cross/Upsell items*

Product page content* 

Option value swatches


SEO Title

SEO Description


Manual sort order of products


Collection page URL*

Collection page meta description*

Collection page content*

Collection page additional images*

Collection filters*



Email address

Phone number

Billing & shipping addresses

Logged in / logged out state

Payment information


Account registration & login


Name, email, phone number

Billing & shipping addresses

Order totals

Order properties

Line items

Line item properties (hidden or shown)

Discount codes and amounts


Post-purchase workflows








Blogs and blog posts


SEO title and description






Checkout & fulfilment

Checkout experience from point of entry through to order placement

Passing cart contents and session details into Checkout

* can be configured to be controlled in Shopify