Onboarding Build Partner: Content Entry

Populate your site with content

Now that you've build the functional and design aspects of your site, it's time to add the content in order to get up to a launch-ready state. Whilst the specific checklist of content entry might differ from brand to brand, this article walks you through the most common aspects of the content entry process. 

This involves: 

Populate your pages & page content on Nyla

It's important that all the pages you intend to launch with (or that were included in your your sitemap review if working with an onboarding partner) are populated with content. This includes: 

  • Creating all of the pages on your site
  • Ensure your pages have their page settings completed
  • Adding sections to build our your pages

Tip: You can build out your secondary pages from your sitemap with Nyla templates or using your list of section templates that you build for the key pages in your site earlier in the process.

  • Populating the sections on your pages with content for example ensuring you populate your section template overrides or sections with content such as media, links and copy. When adding content, we suggest to review Nyla's performance best practices in order to optimise site performance. 
  • Blog and blog posts: You might also need to move (or create) a blog with blog posts to your new site. 

Tip: You can use Nyla templates to create blog posts too. See this article for more details about blogs. 

  • Third party apps: Add/set up any additional references to apps. Some of your pages might have references/requirements for apps, such as hooking up sign up forms and so on. You should refer to the relevant app documentation in Nyla (or the relevant third party docs) for each specific use case. If launching apps for the first time, you might also need to complete set up on the app itself.  
  • Nyla features: You may want to configure certain Nyla features ahead of launch (for example update upsells or a gift with purchase offer, etc). 

Populate your product & Shopify data

In addition to completing content on your Nyla pages, you also need to ensure your Shopify products, collections and general setup is ready to go for launch too. 

Some things to consider include: 

  • Get your Shopify production-ready: On Shopify you should ensure you have all of your products and collections set up and populated ready for your site launch. 
  • Set up your image filtering: For brands that want images to filter to an option value, you should set up your image filtering by populating your alt text on Shopify.
  • Swatches: If required for your site, you should add your swatches on Nyla. 
  • Metafield population: Ensure you have populated all metafields tha are required for your site launch and functionality. 

Populate site-level content

Ensure that your site settings and redirects are added and ready to go.

Before launching on Nyla, you fill in your site settings. Make sure to add complete the following settings:  

  • Site Data
  • Favicon
  • Theme color (optional)
  • Social Image
  • You should ensure all your redirects are also added as expected prior to launching