Onboarding: Sitemap Review

The sitemap serves as the first and most basic document to define project scope by identifying all pages and having the customer confirm which are being built on the new site and which should be redirected.

A sitemap is a spreadsheet categorizing pages by type (regular pages, products, collections, blogs) that need to be built in Nyla.

The sitemap also distinguishes between Key Pages, which are HP, PLP, PDP, and About, unless otherwise specified, and which are designed in the Design Process, and Secondary Pages, which are not specifically mocked up in the design phase and instead use the approved design system when they're built.

✅ Process

The Onboarder creates the Sitemap (see below) and links it in the Kick Off deck as one of the post-call customer deliverables.

The customer reviews the Sitemap to establish, in writing, which pages are being built on the new Nyla site and which are being redirected. Pages that should not be built will be marked as “No Redirect,” with the destination URL that should be added in Redirect settings in Nyla. 


For existing sites:

    • The Onboarder pulls all pages on the current site, labeling them as Key and Secondary Pages.
    • The customer should use this as an opportunity to sanity check which pages should be carried over. Fill out the yellow columns to specify which pages should be redirected and where to.


For new site builds:

    • The Onboarder creates a blank sitemap with their understanding of the project scope, labeling pages are Key and Secondary pages. 
    • The customer confirms the specified pages.


Creating a whole new website is an opportunity to tidy up the pages that are no longer necessary. The Onboarder will import the specified redirects, as well as a customer's current Shopify redirects, into Nyla for launch. After launch, future redirects will be managed in Nyla.

🗂️ Resources


Next Step ➡️ Customer Kick Off Call