Nyla Templates

Templates ready out the box for you to use on your site

Nyla section templates, blocks and page templates are available for you to use on your site out of the box. To use them on your site, simply select Nyla templates or Nyla blocks and then add them to the page you are editing.   

When you add a Nyla section or page template to your site, they are added to your template library as a new section. From that point onwards, you can use them freely just like you do with any template in your template library. No link is maintained between the Nyla template and the template you have added, so if the Nyla team make changes to the original template, they won't be reflected in the places you are using your version. See Nyla templates as an easy jumping off point for you to use and create templates of your own. 

Adding a template to your site: 

To access Nyla templates, you can look in the following places: 

  • Nyla section templates: click on "Explore free sections" within the template library
  • Nyla page templates: toggle the Nyla tab on the page template modal when adding a new page
  • Nyla blocks: toggle the Nyla tab on the blocks modal when adding a block 

Section and Page templates: When section templates or page templates are added from the Nyla library, they are added to your local template library and act just like any other template you have created. You can add the same template multiple times from the Nyla library if you wish (for example if you added a template and then modified it). 

Blocks: When you add a block, this is not added to your blocks library because blocks aren't linked, so if you do want to add it again you can either save it to your library directly or simply use the block again from the Nyla library. 

Default content: 

Nyla templates reference your global design tokens and your "default content" so that you can preview them as your brand. This means that whenever you browse for Nyla templates, they display whatever you have set as your default content, and whatever is configured as the design token featured in the template. 

For example a hero that pulls from your default content image 1, your H1 text and your primary CTA will show display your versions of those design tokens, plus whatever image you have set as image 1 in your default content. Therefore to get the best experience when using the Nyla templates, it's a good idea to set the most representative default content possible for your brand. 

When setting default content, you can set content for text, CTAs, images, icons, video as well as product and collection sources. It's up to you how precise you want this to be, however the more representative this content is, the closer the Nyla templates will be to your brand. 



In order to set or update default content you can click on the Set default content button, which is found at the bottom of the templates library within content after you have selected to browse Nyla templates . 



Clicking on default content enables you to choose on brand content with which to preview Nyla templates.