
Set redirects on your site

Adding redirects on Nyla is simple and can be done from Site Settings. You can read on below for how to do this. 

Redirects only work for URLs that do not exist on your site. If you redirect a URL that is used by a page on your site users will still see the original page. This is because redirects kick in after users can't land on the URL they try to navigate to. 

Therefore, to redirect a page that already exists on your Nyla site, we suggest to: 

1. Add your redirect 

2. Delete your page*

3. Publish your changes 

*If you want to save a version of your page, you can duplicate it prior to doing so. 

How to add redirects:  

You can set redirects directly in the Editor under Settings → Site Settings → Redirects.

When adding redirects, you should not include on the from field. Instead, your redirects should start with /, with the rest of the URL coming afterwards.

For example, if you want a redirect like this:



You should enter into Nyla the following:

From: /pages/about-us

To: /pages/about-us-new

There is no limit to the number of redirects you can add in Nyla. After finishing adding redirects, you must queue and publish your site settings for the redirect to take effect. 

Read more about redirects here and here.

Nyla supports the status code 308 (Permanent Redirect), rather than the older 301 status code. Use 308 whenever you need a Permanent redirect.