Page Settings

This article walks you through the different features of the pages settings modal:  

  • General
  • Folder
  • SEO
  • Social Image
  • Source
  • Page Template
  • Rebuild, duplicate and delete page
  • Last built messaging

Modify the page title. This title is only how the page is displayed within Nyla. It is not visible outside of the editor.
Manage the folder for the page. See more on folders here
Set a SEO title, description, hide a page from Search results and set canonical URLs. If you use a page source, the SEO title and description default to pulling in the SEO information set in Shopify. See more on SEO here
Social image
Manage your alternative or sourced social image for that page. See more on social images here.
Add a page source – See Page Source.
Page Template
Manage the page template associated with the page. 
Delete and duplicate page
To read about duplicating or deleting pages, see here.
Rebuild page: 
Clicking Rebuild page will rebuild the page. See more on this here
Last built message: 
The "last built" message beneath the page settings modal displays when the page was most recently built.
This message might not be the time that you last published the page. Nyla pages can rebuild automatically based on various triggers as well as periodically during product updates.