Onboarding: Onboarder QA

The Onboarder QAs the whole website, even after testing each section separately, to ensure it is production ready.

It's of utmost importance to deliver a website that matches customer expectations.

Prior to handing off the production-grade website to Nyla, the Onboarder completes a round of internal QA. At this step, please ensure;

  • All pages and match approved Figma designs
    • Overall section design
    • Design Tokens
    • Spacing and padding
    • Key page placeholders images, text, and links match Figma
  • Selections made in the Onboarding Menu Questionnaire have been applied and are end-to-end functional.
  • Content entry, including key page placeholder images and text, and secondary page content from the customer's current site, is accurate.
  • All primary page templates built in Nyla, as well as the default contents of their mocks, are 100% accurate to the approved design.
  • Section templates selected to build the secondary pages have delivered a high quality of pages and UX. 
  • The sitemap has been 100% addressed. Ensure that all pages marked as “Yes” were create and well built.
  • Each template has been built or configured and is behaving as per the definitions aligned with the customer on the Implementation Details spreadsheet.
  • All apps outlined in the App Stack Review are activated and fully functional.

Once the website is QA’ed and all findings are adjusted, the Onboarder will hand over the website to Nyla for a final round of QA review before scheduling the Site Transition with the customer.

🗂️ Resources

Nyla recommends using a very detailed QA checklist, one that is ideally updated with every learning from onboardings and customers. Please use Nyla's QA Checklist as a starting point.


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