Design Tokens

Design Tokens: Design tokens are at the core of a Nyla site. They allow designers to create a “style guide” for your site that then propagates outwards. They are designed to enable brands to have consistent design patterns across their site, and stay 100% on brand and consistent as users create sections and templates.
There are two types of design tokens: Global (which come loaded into your site) and Custom (which you can create yourself).
It is a best practice to keep design tokens to a manageable minimum, however you can use them to support a design system of your choosing.
Design styles can be found by navigating to Design from the main menu.

Global vs. Custom

In Nyla, there are two types of styles, Global styles, and Custom styles.

Global Styles

Global styles are styles that come loaded into all Nyla sites by default. Nyla templates and blocks also reference global design tokens. This means that provided you have your global design tokens styled according to your brand, you'll see Nyla templates and blocks on brand for you in the section template library. 

Custom Styles

Custom styles are styles that you define for yourself. If you have particular brand colors or typography, this is a great place to add additional custom flair. Custom styles are available to all users of your Nyla instance.

Publishing Design Tokens

Design tokens are saved as one entire draft and need to be published individually in order for the changes to go live on your site. When you have draft design tokens, you will see any instances of your design tokens in draft form on your pages on your preview, but the previous (live) version of your design tokens on your live site. In order for those draft design tokens to go live, you need to publish your design token changes via the publish flow.