Source Product

Add information about a product to your page

How to use

You can pull in Shopify product information into your pages by:
  1. Adding a Source Product content item
  2. Adding it as a Page Source and then referencing it in a Source product  by using page product


All properties available: Product



  • Select a specific Shopify product
  • Use page source: This will show if there is a page source on the page you are editing. 
  • Track as PDP view: If this setting is on, then whenever this of Source Product is viewed, it will be sent as a product page view to the Nyla Data Layer and pixels like Google Analytics and so on.
    • If your source product is being used for the main product on a PDP, then you should have this setting switched on.
    • If you do not want to track PDP views when your source product is viewed, for example if your source product is not a PDP (e.g it's being used on a landing page or a nested product source like an upsell or so on) then you should have this off.

Single variant

Choose to show a product or limit to an individual variant

Default variant

Overrides a Global Default variant set for this product for specific use cases. See more here.