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  2. Sources & Properties

Page Source

Link a Source to a page so that you can reuse the reference throughout your page.
Connecting a Source at a page level relates that page to a specific Source. This lets you:
  1. Link any Source Content Item to that page Source
  2. Use the Source properties in your page settings to link dynamic data, i.e. name or slug
  3. Use properties of that source within any conditional rules on your page

Linking a Page Source

To link a page source, navigate to the ‘Source’ tab within page settings. You can link 2 different types of sources to a page.
  1. Product
  2. Collection
Page source.png

Using Page Source

In page settings

Use the properties of the product within your page settings in order to create page layouts that are easy to repeat as well as pulling in the SEO description and title from Shopify
Page setting properties.png

Linking within Source Content Item

You can link a Source within your Content Block to the page source, making it possible to only change the product in one place.
Page source ci.png
Another common way to use page source is to exclude it from a Source Collection. This will remove the current page’s product from the Collection which is a great way to show related products without showing the product itself.