Onboarding: Kick Off

Kick Off is when the Onboarder and customer meet and review the full onboarding project. 

✅ Process

The Onboarder coordinates the Kick Off call with the customer point-of-contact, inviting all relevant stakeholders on the customer team.


The Partner prepares requirements:


During the call, the Onboarder covers:

  • Team introductions on all sides
  • Customer's high-level project goals
  • Roles and responsibilities of the Partner as the onboarder, Nyla as the platform, and the customer as the site manager
  • Key milestones, deliverables, and FYIs for each phase of onboarding
  • Intended launch date. (Please note: launches should be scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Nyla does not launch website on US federal holidays.)
  • Next steps

🗂️ Resources

The Onboarder should include:

    • A slide defining Nyla, Onboarding Partner, and customer roles
    • Key milestones, deliverables, and FYIs for each phase;
      • Discovery Phase
      • Design Phase
      • Requirements Sign Off Milestone
      • Build Phase
      • Hand Off Phase
      • Customer Phase
      • Launch Milestone + Post Launch Support Phase

Include, but edit as needed:

    • Timeline, customized to the requested launch date
    • Post kick off call customer discovery deliverables


Next Step ➡️ Customer Discovery Deliverables