Onboarding: Design Questionnaire

The customer completes a questionnaire to gather basic design expectations and requirements.

✅ Process

The Onboarder will assign the customer the Design Questionnaire, a 15 minute asynchronous form to gather basic design requirements, including;

  • brand story
  • target customers
  • competitors
  • high-level project goals
  • design references
  • a shared link to a folder with brand assets. At a minimum, a brand guide, logos, fonts, and current imagery are required.

The Onboarder will compile the answers from this questionnaire with results from the Onboarding Menu, Catalog Architecture Questionnaire, and App Stack Review to create the Design Brief, which is the document handed over to the Onboarding Design Partner ahead of the Design Phase. This document outlines the site requirements for design, and is required for the success of the design phase.

🗂️ Resources