Building a Header

Easily add and modify your site menu with blocks.

This article walks you through building a header in Nyla. It splits into three 

Blocks and Templates

Learn about adding announcement bar blocks:

Announcement Bars: 

  • Announcement bar: Simple
    • Adds a simple announcement bar to your header
  • Announcement bar: Slider
    • Adds a rotating announcement bar to your header
  • Announcement bar: Marquee
    • Adds a rotating announcement bar to your header
  • Announcement bar: Dismisable
    • Adds a simple announcement bar that can be dismissed/removed to your header
  • Announcement bar:  Icons
    • Adds an announcement bar containing 3 highlighted copy with icons
  • Announcement bar:  Currency & Links
    • Adds an announcement bar with built-in currency selector on desktop

Nav Bars:

Follow along in the video: 

  • Nav Bar: Center Logo
    • Adds a nav bar layout with the logo in the center
  • Nav Bar: Left Logo
    • Adds a nav bar layout with the logo on the left

Menu Link Level Blocks:

  • Menu item: Megamenu  w link lists
    • Adds a layout with categories & links for your menu dropdown
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Menu item: Megamenu w photos
    • Adds a layout with categories & image banners for your menu dropdown
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Menu item: Simple dropdown
    • Adds a simple layout with links for your menu dropdown
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Menu item: Search icon
    • Adds a layout for the search icon with the link action already built-in (to be used with the Algolia app)
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Search Input
    • Adds a layout for the search input with the link action already built-in (to be used with the Algolia app)
  • Menu item: Cart icon w count
    • Adds a cart icon layout with a built-in cart count
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Menu item: Cart text w count
    • Adds a cart text layout with a built-in cart count
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item
  • Menu item: Account icon
    • Adds an account icon that links users to the login page
    • Requirements:
      • Must be added inside a Menu content item

Mobile Menu Styles:

  • Mobile Tray: Accordion
    • Adds a layout for the mobile tray with links inside collapsible accordion panels
  • Mobile Tray: List
    • Adds a simple layout for the mobile tray with a list of links
  • Mobile Tray: Sequential Menu
    • Adds a sequential menu layout to your mobile tray
  • Currency Switcher Modal
    • Adds a modal layout for switching between different currencies on mobile