
Attentive for Email and SMS signup

Nyla's attentive integration allows for you to use Attentive popups on your site, as well as to capture signups to email and SMS via custom forms on your site (e.g in your footer on directly on a landing page)

Activating Attentive:

To use Attentive, you must first activate the app in the Nyla apps screen, remembering to queue and publish the settings after they have been entered: 

For popups: In order to activate Attentive for popups you need to enter your Script URL (e.g: You should contact the attentive team to get this. It should be entered in the format of: based on whatever tag you are provided with. 

Here's a screen recording of locating the Attentive Script URL and enabling it in Nyla:

For email and SMS capture via forms: You need to enter your API key  See step one of this document on how to do this. 

Get your Source ID: If using the Attentive API for email or SMS signup (e.g using the Attentive form action with a Nyla form), then Attentive require you to reach out to them in order to get this. You may have to answer some questions with their support in order to be given the Source ID. 
Whitelisting: If you are building your site and you are not live you, will need to request to whitelist your staging URL in order to see popups and have signup functionality working. You can send an email to to whitelist the domain for your Nyla site. If you're not live yet, send them your staging URL e.g.

Adding Attentive to your site:

Popups: Once you have activated the app and whitelisted if required, your Attentive popups that you have running should show up on your site automatically. 
Signups via forms: In order to send signups to Attentive, you should use the relevant form action. You can build a form yourself, or use a ready made Nyla template out of the box (see below). 
Using Nyla templates:
Nyla has several form-based templates ready for your to use for any signup app that uses form actions. 
You can use any of the following templates by searching "Newsletter" in Nyla templates  
In order to use the Newsletter templates to capture signups, you need to enter the relevant form action in the Form content item under Settings. If you are using the same template for different signup lists, remember to unlink each usage so as not to overwrite the previous lists you had added on the template. 
You must make sure that the handle of the Input content item is either email or sms: