
Learn about customer accounts & Nyla

The Accounts section contains all of the pages related to customer accounts. You can find the account section in the primary navigation in Pages.

Account pages

Nyla comes with a set of predefined account pages and templates for building accounts pages (see the templates here). These pages give you a starting point for the structure and format of a customer account section on your site. Though you can customize these completely, removing  these pages without replacing their functionality can cause issues with user flows.
  • Log in
  • Create account
  • Reset password
  • Change password
  • Activation request
  • Edit account details
  • Orders
    • Orders
    • Order
  • Addresses
    • Addresses
    • Create address
    • Update address


With the account pages section, an additional page setting is available: Visibility. This setting allows you to restrict access depending on if a user is logged in or not. Users that are not logged in are redirected to the log in page.
Account visibility.png

Source global customer

You can use global properties, in particular global.customer.isLoggedIn to create conditional experiences with Visibility. With this you can show or hide sections and content items depending on a users state.
See all Global customer properties
Account conditional.png

Source customer

Source customer gives you access to all customer information as well as a list of their saved addresses. Nyla also has a global customer source that is always available, making it easy to create conditional experiences depending on whether the user is logged in or not.
See all Customer properties
The customer source includes:
  • Customer details
  • Default address
  • Addresses
  • Orders

Default address

Display the details of the default address. These properties are only accessible within the Customer source.


Add a list of the users addresses with customer.addresses used as a source on a Grid. See Customer For all available properties.


Show all customer orders with customer.orders, used as a source on a Grid. See Customer for all available properties.

Link actions

Source order

Source order gives you complete control over the look and feel of an individual order. It is important to note that the order ID is used in the URL in order to load the order information and the link to the order page in the list of customer.orders needs to match the page for orders
See Order for all order properties