Yotpo: Free Product Redemption

Let customers redeem their Yotpo Loyalty points for free product

Yotpo Loyalty offers the ability for customers to redeem loyalty points in exchange for free product. Nyla’s native integration with allows you to configure

Customer Journey

  1. A logged-in customer sees product(s) which have been configured to be redeemable in exchange for loyalty points.
  2. When the customer clicks a CTA to redeem a product, several things happen:
    1. The product is added to the cart.
    2. Yotpo confirms the customer has enough points and sends back a unique discount code.
    3. The discount code is applied automatically to the user’s cart, reducing the subtotal.
  3. In order to finalize the redemption and collect the customer’s information, they complete checkout normally.
  4. Yotpo observes the order has been placed and lowers the customer’s points balance accordingly.

Backend Setup


  • Yotpo Loyalty has to be configured.
  • The Discount Codes app has to be enabled in Nyla.

Configuration Steps

  1. In the Yotpo Loyalty admin, configure one or more “Free product via discount code” as described in this article, just be sure to set the Coupon Type to Shopify/Recharge Fixed Amount rather than Fixed Amount.
  2. In the Nyla Editor, go to the place on your site you want your free product redemption option(s) to appear (typically featured on a dedicated Rewards page). Click to edit the section.
  3. Add Source Customer.
  4. Next, add Source Yotpo Loyalty and inside it, add a Grid.
  5. Click on the Grid and set its Source to be .
  6. Inside the Grid Layout, add a Source Product.
  7. Inside the Source Product, add info about the free product:
    1. Add product info using properties from Source Product (e.g. product title, image, etc).
    2. Add cost in points of the free product using .
  8. Add a Button and set its link action to be APPS_YOTPOLOYALTY_REDEEM_WITH_ADD_TO_CART.
  9. Save and Publish!

Common Properties

Property Description
User’s loyalty points balance as retrieved from Yotpo API
Applied Shopify discount code
Title of product in question
Number of loyalty points required to redeem the product in question (displayable PRIOR to redemption). Note this property requires being inside a grid set with its source to
Returns TRUE if a given line item is a free product redemption, otherwise blank.
Cost in points to redeem a free product (displayable in the cart line item as a result of the user initiating redemption)



Does the customer have to see or copy the discount code for the redemption to happen?

Nope. Yotpo generates the unique discount code and sends it to Nyla automatically so the user doesn’t need to remember or copy the code.
What if I want the customer to be able to see / share the discount code before checkout?
Not a problem.
        • If you want to surface the code to the user prior to checkout (e.g. so they can share with a friend), use the property .
        • If you want to initiate the Yotpo redemption process without adding the product to cart, use the link action APPS_YOTPOLOYALTY_REDEEM instead of APPS_YOTPOLOYALTY_REDEEM_WITH_ADD_TO_CART.
Can a Yotpo Free Product redemption discount code be applied to checkout with another discount code within the same order?
Not at this time. The discount codes Yotpo creates in Shopify automatically are subject to the same limitations as any other normal Shopify discount code. Shopify has announced upcoming support for multiple discount code application to be available in the future, but at this time, only a single discount code can be used per order, which means that a code applied via Yotpo as a result of a redemption will replace any other code as it cannot be applied simultaneously.

Can more than one Yotpo Free Product redemption be purchased in a single checkout?

Not at this time. As this feature relies on discount codes, see the answer to the previous question.