
Use Wisepops with Nyla

To use Wisepops with Nyla, you simply need to activate the app and. Once you have activated the app, popups that you configure in Wisepops will show up on your Nyla site. 

Activating Wisepops in Nyla 

In Nyla, go to Apps > search for Wisepops > click on enable app and past the Site ID:

Getting Site ID to activate Wisepops in Nyla

To activate Wisepops popups with Nyla, you need to enter your Site ID on the app activation screen in Nyla. 

You can find this in the app by clicking Settings > Install Popups > Display Code Snippet

Then you should copy only the code that comes in bold on the last row of the code block, after "site=". You should copy this without the quotation marks. 

Once you have added it in Nyla, save, queue and publish your app and it should show up live on your Nyla site.