Page Templates

Define entire page designs that can be re-used throughout your site

Page templates allow you to use the same design structure for multiple pages, providing an easy way to launch new products, collection pages, blogs and content pages, as well as add multiple products to your store.
Page templates dictate the sections that are on a page, as well as the order in which they are in. Changing the order of sections on a page template will update that order on all pages where that template is used. Likewise, adding a section to a page template will add it to all pages across your site where that template is used.
Page templates are particularly useful when managing pages at scale and you want to make changes to the sections on a page across a number of pages on your site. For example, if you want to add a new callout section to all PDPs that use a particular template, updating that template will allow you to add that callout section to all pages at once. If the pages did not use a template, you would need to add the callout section to each page individually.
Just like Section Templates, page templates must be queued and published in order for changes to appear on your live site.
Please note that it is not possible to AB test page templates at this time.

Adding a Page using a Page Template:

Selecting your Page Template:
When adding a new page to your site, you will see the option to use a blank page or to choose to create your page using a template.
Adding a blank page will add create a new blank page with no sections present.
Using a page template will apply that template to the page you are creating.
If your page template has a page source, then you will be prompted to add this at the point of creating the page.

Editing a Page Template

When you visit a page with a page template, you cannot reorder or add sections to your page by default as you would be able on a normal page. You can only update the overrides for each section on the page by clicking into them.
You can tell the page is a page template because the left bar appears as per the image below:
If is not possible to add or reorder sections on opening a page that uses a Page Template.
In order to make changes to the order of the sections on the page template, you must edit the page template itself. You can do this by clicking on the “Edit” button next to the page template name.
On doing so, you’ll see a warning that prompts you that you are about to make changes to the page template itself, and therefore any changes you make will apply to all use cases of that template across your site.
Important: Once you edit a page template, you’ll be editing that template everywhere that it is used across the site.
In order for changes to go live for your page template, you need to save, queue and publish your page template.
When you are editing a page template with a page source, you can click in the top right corner to preview that page template with different sources.

Unlinking Page Templates

If you want your page to no longer use a specific page template (for example if you want to add unique content to that page) then you can unlink your page from a page template by going to Page Settings > Page Template > Unlink.
This will convert your page into a normal page, and will keep all of its contents. You will then be able to to edit this page as a normal page on Nyla.

Creating Page Templates

In order to create a new page template, you can go to page settings > save as page template. The page template will be created with the sections you have on the page you used to create it.
When creating your page template, you’ll be asked to add a name, description and to add a category which will determine where it shows up in the page creation modal.