
Add videos from third-party sites, or upload directly to Nyla

The Video content item in Nyla allows you to use video on your site. In order to add Video to your site, you should add the content item, and then choose the Source for the video.

Add a video

The Video content item is available within the Core section of content items.

Best practices

Video can negatively impact site performance. So in order to be able to mitigate performance impact to the greatest extent possible, please do refer to Performance Best Practices.


Videos source includes the following options:
  • Embedded: Embedded from either YouTube or Vimeo)
  • Web URL: A web URL using a hosted video
  • File Upload: Uploaded directly to Nyla as a file
  • Source: Loaded as a Property from a source (e.g Source: Product)

Here's a screen recording demonstrating how to add an Embedded Vimeo:



The Settings fieldset within Video allows you to edit the following settings for your video:
  • Fit container: Sets the object-fit css rule to contain when this setting is switched on, and cover when this setting is switched off.
This setting is only functional on Web URL , file upload and source
  • Autoplay: Autoplay your video when users scroll to it on your page.
Autoplay guidance: Video must be muted in order to autoplay on some browsers like Chrome and Safari. This is a restriction applied by the browser itself.
  • Loop:  Your video will loop back to the start once it has ended.
  • Muted: Your video will be muted.
  • Show controls: Controls will be shown or hidden.
  • Allow fullscreen: Fullscreen will be allowed or disallowed.


For videos with a source of Web URL and File Upload, Video contains elements which allow you to add custom Play and Pause icons.
These are not available for videos from a Source, YouTube or Vimeo. For embedded videos icons are sometimes edited directly within those services.

Embedding from Vimeo:

Video, especially longer form, can be embedded from Vimeo. Higher plans of Vimeo allow for greater customization and control.
Note that for videos embedded from Video, the “show controls” setting will not work as this is only configurable on the Vimeo side.

Embedding from YouTube:

In order to embed from YouTube, enter your URL in the following format: . This can be found by clicking on embed within YouTube and copying the URL.