Typography Styles

Define reusable typography styles for use across your site

Typography design tokens enable you to load in reusable typography styles for use across your site. This enables you to create consistency and a comprehensive design system for users to build on brand sections and templates. 

If you are designing for Nyla, we suggest to review best practices for designing typography for Nyla in addition to reading this article. 



Preview the style as you change settings.


Add design settings
  • Title: name your typography style
  • Description: Add a description for easy reference
  • Font: Choose from Fonts
  • Font size: Responsive
  • Letter spacing: Responsive
  • Line height: Responsive
  • Paragraph spacing: Responsive
  • Text transform: Choose the text case
    • None
    • Uppercase
    • Lowercase
    • Capitalize

Strikethrough style

Set a custom strikethrough style
  • Color
  • Offset
  • Thickness
  • Position


Add a custom stroke style
  • Color
  • Width


Add a custom shadow
  • Shadow
  • Color

In use

Typography styles are used throughout Nyla and help maintain consistent type styles.

Content items

Design tokens