
Tooltips show up when a user hovers over a specific element on a page. The Tooltip content item enables you to style your tooltip, add the content you want to show as well as specifying when/where it should show up on hover. This article covers how to use the tooltip content item.


  • Linked item ID: enter the content item ID of the content item that should trigger the tooltip when hovered. You can find the content item ID in the Advanced fieldset. 

This tooltip will show up when the content item with the content item ID "u5hmqywmdthlw9skpl3" is hovered over: 

  • Placement: dictates whether the tooltip should show above/below/left/right of the hovered content item.
  • Offset and distance allow you to position the tooltip in relation to the hovered content item


  • Arrow: Choose whether to show a tooltip arrrow and set the tooltip arrow size and position in relation to the left side of the tooltip. 
  • Overlay: Configure whether an overlay should show over the page contents when the tooltip is active along with the overlay colour and opacity.