Structured Data Snippets

Nyla includes JSON-LD structured data snippets. These are important machine-readable bits of code that when present, mean that Google may provide better looking search results (e.g. review stars inline in search results for a product).

Organization Snippet

The Organization snippet, based on vocabulary, is included on every page, and consists of basic information about your organization.

Organization Snippet Elements

Attribute Value How to Edit
name Your Site Title Settings → Site Settings → Site Data → Site Title
url Settings → Site Settings → Site Data → Domain
description A description of your site Page → Page Settings → SEO → Description
telephone +1 123 456 7890 Settings → Site Settings → Site Data → Phone
123 Test St
Testville, CA 99999
United States
Settings → Site Settings → Site Data → Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country
sameAs Settings → Site Settings → Site Data → Same As
favicon, logo URL to your favicon Settings → Site Settings → Favicon → Upload
  • You can set sameAs values for social media etc

Product Snippet

The Product snippet, based on vocabulary, appears on every page that is “tracked as PDP”. It contains the following components:
  • Product information, and underneath it,
    • Variant information in offers
    • Rating / review information in aggregateRating

Product Snippet Elements

Attribute Value How to Edit
brand Brandname Shopify Admin → Product → Brand
productID, sku, mpn ABC123 Shopify Admin → Product → Variant → SKU
gtin 012345678905 Shopify Admin → Product → Variant → Barcode
description Product meta description Editor → Product → Page Settings → SEO → Meta Description
url URL of current page Editor → Product → Page Settings → General → URL Slug
name Title of Product Shopify Admin → Product → Title
image Main product image Shopify Admin → Product → Media → Upload
offers per-variant price, SKU, availability, image, URL Shopify Admin → Product → Variant → Price, SKU, inventory, image
aggregateRating average stars, # of reviews Pulled from review provider if installed and available
productID an variantID are specific to your Shopify instance.
Further Reading