Stamped Reviews

The Stamped app enables you to use Stamped reviews on Nyla.

Video Tutorial: 

Activating the Stamped reviews app:

In order to activate the Stamped reviews app, you should go to Apps > Stamped and switch the app on. You'll need to enter the following information from Stamped app in order to connect your App to Nyla:

  • API Key
  • Store hash
  • API Key private

Make sure to save and publish your app after adding these settings.

Finding the above information on Stamped app:

On your Shopify account (left panel) go to Apps > select Stamped (in the dropdown app list) to access the app. On the left panel of the main Stamped page click on Settings (bottom left side) > API Keys. In the main panel you will be able to get the 3 mentioned information above.

Adding Stamped to your site:

To add the Stamped reviews widget below the fold: Use the Stamped Reviews content item. This content item pulls in the reviews widget that has been styled in the Stamped app itself. To make updates to the look and feel of the widget you should do this within the Stamped app. Note that if you make these changes in your Stamped app during your Nyla onboarding, they may show up on your Shopify theme.

The data that is displayed in this widget is pulled directly from the Stamped app. If you are seeing reviews for your products not showing as expected, you should review your Stamped setup. 

The reviews widget configured in Nyla needs to be within the relevant product source. To optimize site management and avoid issues, we suggest using the page source for all reviews widgets and to have product pages configured using page source. 


Reviews summary above the fold and in product listing pages

There are 2 ways to add the star reviews widget above the fold:

1- Adding Stamped Rating content item (pulls reviews values from metafields that are updated asynchronously) 

  • Better site performance (faster PDP and PLP load times)
  • Can be out of sync with the widgets below the fold (see below for more details)

In order to use the Stamped Rating content item successfully, you need to add both the product.metafields.stamped.reviews_average and product.metafields.stamped.reviews_count metafields to the Nyla metafields app


2- Adding Stamped Star Rating content item (uses Stamped script based widget)

  • Slower site performance (slower PDP and PLP load times)
  • Show the latest reviews information pulled directly from the Stamped app

When using Stamped Start Rating you should customize the Stamped Widget on Stamped app. 

The star ratings and review counts will be more reliable when accessed through the Stamped Star Rating content item because it retrieves information directly from Stamped. In contrast, the Stamped Rating content item relies on metafields being updated by Stamped asynchronously. However, using the Stamped Rating content item will result in a faster and more performant widget load time.

Stamped Rating Content Item

The flow for updating the value on the metafields is as follows: 

  1. Stamped app writes the review average and review count values to Shopify metafields
  2. Once the relevant page is built in Nyla then Nyla will update the value content item based on the current metafield value

Nyla reads the data from the following locations: 

  • Nyla reads the reviews count and value from
    • product.metafields.stamped.reviews_average and product.metafields.stamped.reviews_count
  • If those metafields are empty, then the data pulls from stamped.reviews_average and stamped.reviews_count metafields in Shopify
  • Occasionally third party apps have issues or a delay in writing to metafields, so if you see the metafields above with blank or inaccurate values when it shouldn't be, you should reach out to Stamped to look into the issue.

In order to use the Stamped Rating content item successfully, you need to add both the product.metafields.stamped.reviews_average and product.metafields.stamped.reviews_count metafields to the Nyla metafields app


Troubleshooting common Stamped issues

Why are my above the fold reviews showing a different value than what I expect? 

If you choose to use the Stamped Rating content item, Nyla reads reviews data for the stars count and average above the fold and on collection pages from the above metafields.

Sometimes apps have issues syncing to metafields. In some cases the update can be delayed or it might stop happening entirely due to issues on the third party app provider's end. 

If you are seeing above the fold reviews not showing up you should:

1. Make sure you've added the metafields to the Nyla metafields app and have published.

2. Check the relevant metafields in Shopify:

  • If those values are either empty, or don't match what you expect, you should reach out to the app provider to look into the issue on their end.
  • If those values are what you expect, then you should revalidate your page in Nyla or force a rebuild of your site. Once the build is complete, the values will show as you expect. 

Why are my reviews below the fold different to my reviews above the fold? 

Given that app providers sync data to metafields, if you choose to use the Stamped Rating content item this can occasionally take some time on their end, so you might see a lag between the value shown on their widget (which pulls directly from the app) and the reviews above the fold (which pulls from metafield). 

If you are seeing above the fold showing differently to what you expect you should check stamped.reviews_average and stamped.reviews_count metafields in Shopify:

  1. If those values are either empty, or don't match what you expect, you should reach out to the app provider to look into the issue on their end. 
  2. If those values are what you expect, then you should revalidate your page in Nyla or force a rebuild of your site. Once the build is complete, the value will show as you expect. 

Why are my reviews below the fold not what I expect?

Most issues in this case are due to the data source. Either: 

  • The data at the source is wrong (e.g there's an issue in your reviews app, or there's a misconfiguration in the reviews app)
  • The data source is referencing the wrong product (e.g you need to update the product source in Nyla to match the product data you intend to pull in)

Check your Stamped app: Nyla pulls below the fold reviews data directly from the app. If the data in the app itself is wrong, then you should review your app setup or contact the app provider for support.  

Check your Nyla configuration: Reviews widgets need to use the correct product source. This is so that Nyla pulls in the right data for the page. Make sure that the product source being referenced in your reviews widget is the one you expect.


Nyla works with a variety of frontend apps, powering your site for everything up to checkout. Learn more about Nyla & Apps here. All third party apps are managed by the app themselves, meaning that Nyla integrations and use of these apps is limited to making them available on your Nyla site. Should you have any questions beyond our below guide about 3P app management, customization options, or general functionality, please reach out to the app directly.