Shopify Multi Currency

Sell your products in multiple currencies using Shopify's Multi Currency capability


Shopify Multi Currency enables you to sell your products in multiple currencies. You can see more information about the Shopify functionality here.
Nyla integrates with Shopify Multi Currency via API, pulling in the right currency data for each product and location based on what has been set up in Shopify, and then directing to the correct Shopify version of the checkout for that currency.

IP Location & Default Country

Once you have enabled Shopify Multi-Currency, Nyla will default your users to the location that is returned in their IP address. If Nyla is unable to locate the user, then the currency will be set as the default currency that you set in the Settings of the app.
Customers can change their currency using the currency picker that you’ll add to your store as part of the multi-currency setup.

Setup Instructions

Please note that some setup steps need to be done on Shopify. The breakdown is as follows:
Setting up your currency information should be done in Shopify. You can see instructions on on how to do that here.
  • Switching on the App
  • Set your default currency
  • Set up your currency selector in the content block

Step 1: Shopify setup

Make sure that you have set up multi currency in Shopify.

Step 2: Activate the Shopify Multi Currency app

Navigate from the Nyla Editor to Apps and locate the Shopify Multi Currency app. Enable the app, then queue and publish.

Step 3: Set the default country

In the settings area of the Shopify Multi Currency app, set the default 2-letter country code for your store. This feature will dictate the default currency conversion that is surfaced to users on your store in the event that their IP is either not located, or does not have a currency available from Shopify.
Note that the country code needs to be entered and not currency because two locations may have the same currency (for example Germany and France both have Euro) so Nyla needs to know which conversion to pull as the default.
Make sure to use a two-letter country code that Shopify is aware of, as referenced in the country codes on this page.
If left blank, this will default to US.

Step 4: Configure your currency picker

The following blocks are available for you to use as starting points to activate your multi currency UI: 

Note that: 

  • You should make sure to add a selector on all breakpoints
  • The multicurrency selector should be added to a nav bar or beside a menu in a group
Multi Currency Selector: Desktop
    • Adds a layout for the currency selector on desktop
    • Can be used in the header or footer.
    • Requirements:
      • Shopify Multi-Currency app must be enabled
      • Markets must be setup in Shopify
Multi Currency Selector: Mobile
    • Adds a layout for the mobile currency selector modal
    • Can be used in the header or footer.
    • Please note that we cannot import this directly in the header or footer because they only accept Nav Bar and Mobile Tray content items. In order to use this block, add it inside a Nav Bar or Mobile Tray content item first, before dragging it outside. It is important to drag this outside to ensure that the modal opens correctly.
    • Requirements:
      • Shopify Multi-Currency app must be enabled
      • Markets must be setup in Shopify
To build from scratch, to display currency information or to use selected locale in conditional visibility you can use the properties and link actions that are available through multi currency. 

Locale Control from URL

Adding the following query string to the end of any Nyla URL will redirect you to that locale e.g. ?locale=en-ca would redirect you to the English - Canada locale.