Setting up experiments in GA4

Set up experiments to see the results of your AB tests in Nyla


This guide references three options for viewing performance of experiments performed on Nyla: Comparisons, Segments, and Audiences. Each option has slightly different applications, though the end result is the same: They allow you to compare data from users in your experiments to other users on the site.

Comparisons, Segments, and Audiences

Comparisons and segments depend on custom dimensions in GA4. You can include any or all of the custom dimensions below in your comparisons and segments. Note that comparisons are compatible with GA4’s templated reports, while segments work in GA4 Explores.

Audiences allow similar comparisons and also provide additional functionality with Google Ads. Audiences must be configured per experiment / variant combination, and must be configured before your experiment begins. Because of this specificity, Nyla does not configure these audiences on your behalf.



Follow these instructions to set up a comparison. Select “Experiment ID,” “Experiment Variant ID,” or “Experiment Variant String” as the dimension on which to filter.


Follow these instructions to set up a segment. Select “Experiment ID,” “Experiment Variant ID,” or “Experiment Variant String” as the dimension on which to filter.


Follow these instructions to set up an audience. Select “experiment_id,” “experiment_variant,” or “exp_variant_string” as the event parameters on which to filter.