Selling in fixed quantities

Nyla's quantity default & quantity increment features enable you to sell individual items as pairs, or in incremental quantities of your choosing

Nyla's quantity default & quantity increment features enable you to sell individual items as pairs, or in quantities of your choosing.

A common use case might be if you want to sell items in pairs only but need to have individual inventory for each item of your product. 

How it works: 

The following metafields:

nyla.quantity_default and nyla.quantity_increment  

  • Quantity default sets the default quantity within the source product eg. if you enter 3  quantity of the product will be set to three, and the quantity selector on your page (if it is present) will show 3. 
  • Quantity increment sets the increment that a customer can add or remove quantity. For example if this is set to 3, then the quantity of the product will be added or removed in increments of 3, e.g 3,6,9, 12 and so on.  

Activation instructions: 

In order to set this up, you should: 

  • Add the nyla.quantity_default and nyla.quantity_increment  metafields to your Shopify and to Nyla. They should be added as product metafields. 

  • They should have a single line text field definition and be visible to the storefront API
  • You should then populate both metafields as per your preference

Optionally you may also want to consider hiding or choosing manual options for your quantity selector on the PDP and the cart for those products. 

To set a text value on the quantity selector, you can do this by using the quantity dropdown and setting a manual value. In the screenshot below, quantity of 2 will be represented by "Pair":