Route Package Protection

Use Route package protection with Nyla

Nyla integrates with Route's shipping protection functionality, allowing you to add a widget to your cart which enables customers to add the associated shipping protection product to their purchase. 

This document walks you through how to set up the feature. 

Activate the app

After you have installed Route package protection on Shopify, you need to activate the app on Nyla. 

The activation settings in the Route app on Nyla requires you to input your merchant ID. To find that, navigate to the Route app in Shopify:  

    • Go to admin -> Store Details -> Merchant ID
    • Copy the entire ID
    • Enter the ID in the Nyla app
    • Save and publish changes

Add to your cart

  • Add the Route content item to your cart
    • The content item has settings for alignment (left, centre, right) and to enable you to pick between the widget styles that Route offers 
  • It's most common for you to add this to your cart footer
  • If you want additional placement and sizing options to edit the width of the widget, we suggest you place it inside of a group

Optional: add a cart item layout

If you don't want your cart item to be removable, then you have the option to create a new layout on your cart items without the remove button. To do this, we'd suggest to: 

  • Duplicate your main cart item layout
  • Set the layout to show if the title includes "name of your variant", or a similar identifier based on the products that Route inject into your product catalogue
  • Hide the Remove cart icon
  • Save and publish