
Add Refersion tracking to your store and verify it's working

Following are the steps required to install Refersion tracking to your store so Refersion can correctly attribute orders to your affiliates.


This is an advanced tutorial, and is unsupported by Nyla. If you need help, you can hire an analytics expert.

Step 1: Install and configure Refersion app in Shopify

If it's not already installed, you'll need to start by installing and configuring the Refersion app (here's a link to the app in the Shopify app store). This is necessary in order for Refersion to be able to know about orders in Shopify, since Shopify powers your checkout.

If you have any questions about the Shopify app or need any support, please reach out to Refersion directly.

Step 2: Install Refersion tracking via GTM

To properly attribute orders placed with the original referring link the customer clicked, tracking has to be installed onto your site via Google Tag Manager (GTM) as follows (4 min screen recording):



Step 3: Verify Refersion tracking

All you need to do now is verify a placed order will in fact be associated in Refersion with the referring affiliate.

NOTE: It can take 10 mins or so for Refersion to show an order in the Conversions screen.

Watch this 1-min screen recording to see how.