Recharge Passwordless Login

Customers dislike having to set and remember passwords in order to manage subscriptions. Eliminate this annoyance once and for all with this Recharge feature.

NOTE: This article concerns an experimental feature that is not officially supported by Nyla. We recommend having a Recharge expert review and make changes to your Recharge configuration.
The Recharge Passwordless Login feature doesn't actually touch Nyla; it works if a subscriber comes to the special passwordless login page that Recharge adds into the native Shopify theme.
To make this happen:
  1. Enable the Passwordless Login feature in Recharge and style the page (here is a Recharge help article on how to do these steps)
  2. Go to and make sure this page works as expected
  3. Update login and account links (e.g. in your main site navigation and transactional email templates) to point to the above URL