Publishing in the Nyla Editor

Publishing changes you make in the Editor to your Nyla site

Nyla’s Publish flow enables you to manage drafts and publish changes to your site.
Before going into the Publish flow, it is important to note the difference between the version of your site that you see in the Preview within the Nyla vs. the version your customers see when they visit your site.
  • The Preview version of your site you see is the draft version that you are currently working on. This will show draft or queued versions of pages, templates, design tokens and so on as you work on them.
  • The Live version of your site is the version that your customers see when they visit your site. Your customers will see the changes that you have published.
Therefore, In order for any edits you make in the Editor, changes that you make within Nyla must be published in order for them to show up on your live site and be visible to customers.
Normally it can take up to 15 minutes for changes to go live after you have published them.

Publish states in Nyla

In order to enable you to make changes, preview and queue changes safely within Nyla prior to publishing them, there different publish states that Pages, Templates, Apps and Design Tokens (amongst other entities in Nyla) can have:
  • Draft: The version you are seeing is a draft. It needs to be queued and published in order to appear on the live site.
  • Queued: The version you are seeing is a draft but has been added to the publish queue. It needs to be  published in order to appear on the live site.
  • Published: The version you are seeing is the published version.
Published and draft states can layer on top of each other, e.g. a page can have a published version and a draft version at the same time, for example:
Homepage is published
Changes made to the page and draft saved:
Homepage is published, but you are seeing the draft in the live preview
User queues their draft:
Homepage is published, but you are seeing the queued draft in the live preview. The queued draft needs to be published in order for it to show up on the site.
User publishes the change:
Homepage is now published and customers see exactly what is shown in the live preview.

Different Publish flows

Different entities have Nyla have separate publish flows. This means that when you make changes to any of the following entities in Nyla, you need make sure you publish those changes for that specific entity in order for your changes to go live.
  • Pages
    • Changes that are made on a page are saved and published on the page. Examples include:
      • Adding, removing or reordering Sections
      • Editing Sections that are on that page only
      • Making changes to your Page Settings
      • Updating overrides in Section Templates
    • When you make changes and save/queue them on the page, you are saving them at the per page basis.
  • Global Sections
    • Changes that are made to Global Sections (e.g like Cart, Header or Footer) are queued and published separately given that those sections apply to all pages on your site.  
  • Design Tokens
    • When you make changes to Design Tokens, your changes need to be saved and queued separately. This is because the Design Tokens you are editing will update across the site, and not in a single location.
      • This means you can see a Section on a Published page and you could be previewing draft design tokens if you have not yet published changes to Design Tokens that you have made.
    • Changes to Design Tokens currently apply to all Design Tokens. E.g each individual Design Token doesn’t have a publish flow, there is one flow for all Design Tokens on your site.
  • Templates
    • When you edit the template itself, your changes on the template need to be saved and queued separately. This is because the template you are editing will update across the site, and not in a single location.
      • Note that this means you can see a draft Template on a Published page. This can happen if your page features a Template that has a draft but is not yet published. In order for your updates to go live, you would need to publish your changes to the Template.
    • Note that when you edit Overrides, they are published on the page you are editing given that those changes are part of that page.
  • Apps changes must be queued and published in order to take effect on your live site.
  • Settings must be queued and published in order to take effect on your live site.

Publishing your changes

Once you have queued the changes that you want to publish, you need to go to the Publish screen in order to publish the changes to your site which you can access by clicking Publish in sidebar navigation.
The Publish screen can be accessed via the main menu in the sidebar
In the Publish screen, you will see all of your queued changes. You can select which changes you want to queue at that time. By default, all queued changes will be selected, but you can choose to omit certain changes from any given publish by unchecking the box. Note that:
  • Deselecting queued items will mean they skip that publish, but remain queued in the future
  • Clicking to unqueue the changes will remove that item from the queue and return it to draft form
After you click Publish, all the queued items that you have selected will be published. Changes may take up to 15 minutes to be reflected on the website.