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  3. Upselling and cross selling

PDP Upsells

Add upsells directly on your PDP

Adding Product Upsells to your Product page in Nyla allows you to sell similar or popular products to the user while they are viewing their cart.

Blocks: Summary


  • Add these upsell blocks within a Upsell In cart > In cart Upsell content item
  • Select a product or collection in the block

See a video summary of these blocks: 


  • Single product upsells blocks: These enable you to feature an individual product as your upsell
    • Product Upsell: Collapsible
    • Product Upsell: Card
  • Collection upsell blocks: These enable you to feature a list of products in a collection as your upsells
    • Collection Upsell: Slider
    • Collection Upsell: Slider card
    • Collection Upsell: Simple cards
    • Collection Upsell: Grid
    • Collection Upsell: Vertical list