Onboarding Menu Questionnaire

The onboarding menu is a questionnaire that defines the website's required functionalities, features, and UX specifications.

✅ Process

The Onboarding Menu is an asynchronous questionnaire that documents a customers desired website specifications, including;

  • Preorder
  • Back In Stock Notifications
  • Product Ribbons
  • Default Product Options
  • Sticky Add-To-Cart
  • PDP & Cart Cross Sells
  • PDP & Cart Upsells
  • Subscriptions
  • Low Stock Messaging
  • Payment Installation Messaging
  • Multicurrency
  • Free Shipping
  • Free Product
  • Gift Notes & Wrapping
  • Discounts

The information from the questionnaire defines the scope of the project in writing; what needs to be incorporated in design, how those UX elements will work, and what will eventually be built.

It's the Onboarders role to gather the results (see below) and translate them into a Design Brief for the Onboarding Design Partner ahead of the Design Kick Off. We also recommend providing a written record of the project scope to the customer to have a document to refer back to if needed.

The results of this questionnaire will also inform what 3P requirements the customer will have to manage, i.e. setting up Shopify Markets to use multicurrency, managing metafields to display product ribbons, etc. The customer's answers here will define the eventual Site Handover Materials.

🗂️ Resources