Onboarding: Customer QA

The Customer QA phase is when the customer reviews every detail of their site to confirm that all site requirements included in the project scope have been met.

The Onboarder and Nyla Partner Support have already completed rounds of QA and confirmed that the site is production ready at the Site Transition. This phase of QA is specifically for the customer.

In this phase, it is the customer's responsibility to confirm that everything about the website matches the requirements defined in the major milestones:

  • Approved Design
  • Onboarding Menu Questionnaire
  • App Stack Review
  • Implementation Details

Any element of site build, design or function that does not match what was in scope will be reported and adjusted. Any requests noted that were not defined in the project scope will be returned to the customer as such, with a suggestion to address as a post-launch a la carte project with Nyla Experts, at a cost not included in the onboarding.

The Onboarder will:

  • Give the customer a reasonable time frame to do QA and report tickets.
  • Plan for an adjustment period to address any tickets.
  • Supply the customer with a link, form or system in which to report tickets, with an ability to add images and/or links.
  • Many customers find it helpful for the reported tickets to be visible to them so they can confirm their adjustments are working as intended.

Once the customer QA phase is complete, it is up to the Onboarder's discretion to accept any late tickets, which can otherwise delay the launch timeline. 

🗂️ Resources

Nyla recommends using a very detailed QA checklist, as a guide outlining what site functions and features to test. Please make a copy of this read-only QA Checklist template.


Next Step ➡️ Customer Content Entry