Onboarding: App Activation

Activating the apps confirmed in the App Stack Review.

During this phase of the onboarding, the Onboarder should activate all the apps that are required to launch the site. This article walks you through the steps you need to take to activate apps on your site and how the work divides up between a customer and partner during a Nyla onboarding. 

We recommend to activate all apps as soon as possible during your onboarding build process as third party apps can introduce complexity during onboarding, and often require action from customers to grant partners access to apps, sign up to the right plans and so on. 

Setting up Apps: Process

Setting up Apps for your site involves: 

  1. Customer: ensure the app is set up (and installed in Shopify if applicable)
  2. Customer: grant access to apps (or share relevant activation info with the onboarding partner/expert) 
  3. Activate the app on Nyla
  4. Add the app to pages or sections (if applicable)
  5. Test to make sure the app works as expected

Ensure that the app is set up & installed in Shopify (if applicable)

In order for apps to work with Nyla, they need to be fully set up and ready to be added to your Nyla site. This includes:  

  1. Set up on Shopify (if applicable) 
    1. Not all apps need to be installed in Shopify in order to work, however most do, so if the app you want to use with Nyla requires being added in Shopify then you should install it in Shopify and complete any relevant setup steps. This might include adding the right payment options and so on. This often requires action from the store owner so should be planned in advance. 
  2. Configured within the app itself 
    1. If an app is being set up from scratch, then customers will also need to configure the app in order to create the experience/functionality that they expect within the app itself. This will differ from app to app. Given that 3P apps are external to Nyla, customers are responsible for managing their own apps and ensuring that they are set up correctly. Customers should work with the third party apps themselves (or Nyla experts) to troubleshoot any problems with app setup or configuration. 

Grant access to onboarding partners (if applicable)

If working with an onboarding partner (or Nyla expert), it's usually advisable to grant them with the relevant access that they need in order to install all apps on Nyla.

This might mean granting them access to the apps themselves, or if you prefer, sharing the right API keys/credentials/app information required in order for each app to be activated on Nyla. 

The specific requirements for access will differ from app to app, so you should refer to the relevant knowledge base article for the app in question to understand what credentials need to be added to activate your apps.  

Activate your app on Nyla

Once the app is set up, you should activate your app on Nyla. The activation instructions will differ from app to app. Partners/experts might need also access / action from customers in order to successfully activate apps if they are activating apps on a customer's behalf. 

If this is your first time configuring apps on Nyla, we'd recommend to review the following resources:

  • Apps: This section of the knowledge base includes instructions on how to activate Nyla native app integrations
  • Nyla, Shopify & Apps: Understand how Nyla interacts with Shopify and third party apps
  • Nyla custom app: For most apps that support headless websites but are not natively integrated with Nyla, you can use Nyla Custom App to integrate them yourself. See docs here.

Add the app to relevant pages or sections (If applicable) 

In addition to being activated in the apps screen on Nyla, many apps need to be added to the site in order to function.

Depending on the use cases for your app, you should add it to the site in the location(s) you expect it to show up to customers. You should refer to the relevant documentation in Apps for the instructions for native integrations (or the app provider's documentation if using Nyla custom app to integrate your app). Ensure that your app/templates/pages are published once you are done.  

Test your app end to end

After adding your app to the site, you should test your app user journeys end to end, and revisit any of the previous steps in this guide in order to troubleshoot any issues.


Nyla works with a variety of frontend apps, powering your site for everything up to checkout. Learn more about Nyla & Apps here. All third party apps are managed by the app themselves, meaning that Nyla integrations and use of these apps is limited to making them available on your Nyla site. Should you have any questions beyond this guide about 3P app management, customization options, or general functionality, please reach out to the app directly.


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