Onboarding: Analytics Stack Review

The Onboarder will review current site tags and pixels with the customer to determine which are transferred during onboarding.

✅ Process

The Onboarder will request the customer provide any specific tags and/or pixels that must be transferred during onboarding. If none are provided, or in addition to those that are, the Partner will transfer all existing tags and/or pixels from the current GTM container to the new, Nyla website's GTM container. 

It's the Onboarder's responsibility to ensure the customer is clear that any tags and/or pixels not disclosed by the customer or outside the current GTM container will be considered out-of-scope for the launch.

If a customer wishes to add additional tags and/or pixels, they can self-serve or request an introduction to Nyla's Data Experts for an a la carte project.

🗂️ Resources

How to Set Up Analytics During Nyla Onboarding