Onboarding: App Stack Review

The Onboarder will review current site apps and determine which are implemented during onboarding.

✅ Process

Once the Onboarder gets the Collaborator Access to the customer’s Shopify store, they'll review the list of apps used by the customer. 

They will decide which apps will be implemented on the site during the onboarding by identifying;
    • Which apps are backend/Shopify only-- these apps will not be affected by the migration to Nyla
    • Which apps will be replaced by Nyla-native functionality
    • Which apps are currently integrated with Nyla and will carry over
    • Which apps are not eligible for Nyla

For current apps that aren’t eligible, the Onboarder will;
    • Recommend an alternative from Nyla’s list of best-in-class apps that are already integrated and immediately available (best choice)
    • Work with Nyla Partner Support to determine if using Nyla Custom App Integrations is possible


🤝 Nyla Partner Support

Available to provide App Database.


🗂️ Resources

  • Adapt Nyla's Onboarder App Stack Review Deck Template as needed. Be sure to include information about;
    • Front vs backend apps
    • Types of apps available through Nyla 
    • Nyla integration types
    • App Stack Review process
    • Next steps for customer