
Activate Shopify's Multipass feature so users remain logged in at checkout. Available for Plus customers only.

Nyla uses Shopify’s Multipass feature in order to keep users logged in at checkout. Given that Multipass is only available to Shopify Plus customers, this feature can only be used by Nyla customers who use Shopify plus. 

Activate multipass:

In order to activate Multipass you should reach out to your Nyla success team manager who can arrange to have it activated normally within 1-2 working days. 

Important: It is important not to paste in directly the multipass code that is available in Shopify admin as it needs to be encoded. Entering an incorrect value can result in checkout crashing for logged in customers. 

Verify it is working: 

In order to verify that Multipass has been activated successfully, you should log in as a customer to your Nyla site, add a product to cart and go to checkout whilst logged in. If multipass is successfully activated, you should remain logged in to your account at checkout.