Loop Returns

Use Loop Returns with Nyla

Whilst the Loop Returns platform is hosted on a separate subdomains from your main site (which simply requires linking to from Nyla) some plans they have provide the option to use store credits to complete exchanges on your store.

Nyla's integration with Loop Returns supports the use of store credits and you can also use Nyla properties to create deep links to enable faster logins for customers to access returns more quickly on the Loop Platform. 

Setting up Loop Returns

In order to get started on Loop Returns first you should set up your returns program by installing the Shopify app and setting up Loop itself. 

Loop Returns is on a subdomain, so all setup for Loop itself is done within the Loop settings. You can find their documentation here. If you have any questions on installing Loop into your Shopify, or anything about the Loop Returns setup, you should reach out to the Loop team directly. 

Link to your Subdomain from Nyla 

Once you've set up your subdomain, you can link to your returns program from your Nyla site, just like you would to any external URL. 

If you wanted to, you could create dynamic deep links to specific orders by using the relevant Nyla properties.  

Optional: Enable the use of on-site exchanges: 

Some plans/configurations of Loop enable you to offer your customers to exchange items on your store after initiating a return on Loop. 

In order to use that feature, you should first configure this in Loop correctly, reaching out to their team if you need assistance. 

Once you have done that, you need to enter your API key in the Loop Returns App under Apps within Nyla.  

To find your API key you should look in the Loop App under: 

- Settings > Developers > API Keys > Generate API Keys
- Scopes: Cart, Return, Order, Report, Developer Tools
 Once you have generated your API key, you should enter that into the activation settings in Nyla, save, queue and publish. After the setup and site publish has completed, customers should then be able to return items on-site.