Link Action

Add advanced actions and interactions

Link actions unlock advanced user interactions on your website. Nyla comes with a set of core link actions that allow you to unlock key site functionality, as well as a variety of helpful navigation and eCommerce actions for user interaction, setting properties, and more.

Using link actions

Link actions can be added through the Link modal. Currently, only 1 link action can be added to a content item.

Using link actions and rich text

If you use link actions with rich text, this will break that text onto a new line. In order to use link actions inline with text, you would need to use a Button with a group. 

Link actions with parameters

Some link actions have can accept or require parameters or additional selections to function. An example of a link action using a parameter would be OPEN_MODAL(ID) where ID is the ID of the content item to open.
For link actions referencing an ID, you can find the ID in Advanced

Link actions with properties

Link actions can also accept properties in order to create dynamic actions, for example: 

  • SLIDER(u0rh1957eptlckmc4vr).GOTOSLIDE()

Context specific link actions

Some link actions will only work within a specific context, if an app is enabled, or on specific pages. 

See all link actions here