
Add shoppable instagram galleries with Foursixty

Adding Foursixty to your site adds a Foursixty content item which enables you to add shoppable instagram galleries to your site. 

To add Foursixty to your site, you should:

  • Activate the app
  • Set up galleries in Foursixty
  • Add a Foursixty content item to any sections on your site where you want it to be featured

Activating Foursixty: 

Foursixty has the following activation settings: 

  • Feed ID (Optional). To populate this you should: 
    1. Open up the hamburger menu within the Foursixty app.
    2. Under Dashboard submenu, click on Embed.
    3. Pick your theme and complete the design form.
    4. On the last step you should be able to see embed code. Look in the embed code for data-feed-id, the value of that attribute is the feed id. You should enter whatever is inside the quotation marks ("") without including them. E.g if your feed-id is: "brand" you would add brand in the setting.
  • Custom Styles (Optional): 
    1. Follow same steps required to get the Feed ID.
    2. Copy all of the code inside the <style> tags and paste inside this field. You should include the content in between the two style tags, but not include the style tags themselves. 

Adding the Foursixty content item:

The Foursixty content item allows you to add galleries to your site, and to configure your gallery using Foursixty settings. The content item has the following settings: 

  • Layout: You should make sure to choose the same option that you select at the very first step of the design form in Foursixty where it says "Pick Your Theme".
  • Feed ID: To find the feed ID, follow the same steps as the Feed ID for activation settings.
  • Theme: This is found on the last step of the design form.
    • Look up for the data-theme attribute, the value of that attribute is your theme.
    • You should add whatever is inside the quotation marks ("") without including the quotation marks.
    • Available for any layout except for bubbles and pinboard.
  • Script attributes: Script attributes are the attributes that are passed to Foursixty to style the widget, or change its behaviour. These are defined by some of the customisations you make on the widget during the embed flow (e.g on the steps like "Customize your gallery", Customize your call to action" and so on). To enter the correct script attributes for your widget, you should take the following steps: 
    • You find the script attributes if you go to the last step of the design form for the embed widget.
    • You look within the <script src> and </script> tags and you should copy all attributes that are not src, data-feed-id or data-theme.
    • Attributes must be separated by a comma, no spaces between them, and no quotes required.
    • Available for any layout except for bubbles and pinboard.
  • Script options: Options that are passed to Foursixty to style the widget, or change its behaviour.
    • You can find the script options if you go to the last step of the design form for the embed widget. Script options are wrapped by { }. You should copy and paste this part of the code including the curly braces and leave it untouched.
    • Only available for pinboard and bubbles layouts.
  • Custom Styles: These styles are passed to Foursixty to show the widget the way you want. In order to populate this section you should: 
    • Copy all of the code inside the <style> tags and paste inside this field. You should include the content in between the two style tags, but not include the style tags themselves. 
    • You can find the style tags on the last steps of the embed flow within Foursixty