Covet Pics

Activate Covet Pics in your store

Activating Covet Pics in Nyla: Covet Pics app activation does not require any API Key. 

  1. In the Editor, click on Apps > search and click on Covet Pics and toggle the app on.
  2. Click to enable the app. It’s not necessary to add the gallery ID at this point.

  3. Save and queue on the top right corner.
  4. Publish the app in the Publishing queue.
  5. Navigate to the section template where want to add a gallery from Covet Pics and add the content item by searching for Covet Pics.

  6. Once you have added the content item, add the Gallery ID in the App Settings by clicking on the content item.

    The Gallery ID can be found on the Covet Pics app by clicking on the Galley that you want to display. Once you have opened the gallery, the gallery ID will be on the URL:[you-gallery-id].

  7. Save, queue and publish.


Nyla works with a variety of frontend apps, powering your site for everything up to checkout. Learn more about Nyla & Apps here. All third party apps are managed by the app themselves, meaning that Nyla integrations and use of these apps is limited to making them available on your Nyla site. Should you have any questions beyond our below guide about 3P app management, customization options, or general functionality, please reach out to the app directly.