Content Block

Manage hierarchy, position, and responsive order

The content block lets you add, move, modify and delete content items on your site. This UI is accessible within sections anywhere on your site.



To add content to the content block, click on the  + button to the right of Content. Click on this button will open a popover with all of the content items that can be added.
New content items will be added as the last item in the context they are added.

Layout content items

Most layout items have a structure of:
Layout parent: i.e. Columns
Layout child: i.e.
Layout child: i.e.

Context-specific content-items

Some content items can only be added within a specific context. For example, the Submit button can only be added within a Form content item.


Content items can be dragged within the content block. When hovering over a content block, a drag icon will show up in place of the icon. You can drag content items to other places in the UI.
Content items that are context specific cannot be dragged out of their context
Example: You cannot drag a Submit out of a Form content item.
You cannot drag a non-compatible content item into parent content item
Example: dragging a header into the Columns  content item (this content item only accepts the Column content item) will not work.


Rename content items by clicking on the three dots ... or by clicking on ‘rename’ under the content item title. Nyla automatically sets the name for text content items to the text itself, but you can always override this and add your own name to most content items.


Click on the three dots ... when overing over a content item to duplicate the content item. Duplicating a parent content item will also duplicate all children.


Content items can be deleted by clicking on the three dots ... visible when hovering over a content item. If you delete a parent content item, all children will be deleted.


Content items in Nyla exist on all breakpoints. Our responsive content block by default will maintain the order of items until it is changed on mobile, at which point the order can be independently modified. This is particularly useful for alternating desktop and mobile layouts where an item might come second on desktop, and first on mobile.
See Responsive For more details.