
How to avoid overwriting changes made by other users

Nyla does not yet support concurrent editing on the same entity. Two users can work in the same Editor at the same time, however if two users try to edit the same entity within Nyla, they might overwrite each others' work. 

It's also possible to cause concurrency by working in multiple tabs. Each tab acts as a different user, so the considerations on concurrency listed below should apply if you are using the editor in two tabs.  

In order to minimise the possibility of concurrency issues, Nyla will end your editing session after four hours of inactivity, so ensure to save any changes as you go. 

Areas where concurrency can appear if two users have the same entity open at the same time:  

  • Design tokens
  • Templates (Page or Section)
  • Apps
  • Cart
  • Pages

For example: 

  • User A and user B both open the editor and begin to make changes
  • User A makes a change to design tokens and saves their changes
  • User B then goes and makes a change to design tokens and saves
  • User B will have overwritten User A's changes

If two users are editing at the same time, in order to avoid concurrency issues:

  • It is best to stick to editing separate pages. It is possible to make and save/queue changes to overrides, sections, page settings and so on with different users at the same time. 
  • If you are editing global entities (such as templates, design tokens, apps settings or the cart) and have saved, we suggest to coordinate with other users to ensure that they refresh the Editor before they make any changes to those entities. By refreshing the Editor, they will see your changes and will not overwrite them.