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Increase AOV by selling products in bundles

Nyla bundles enable you to create multiple variations of bundling, as well as product customization in order to increase average order value on your site. 

Nyla bundles are set up through the Bundles app (Apps > Bundles). In order to add bundles to your site, you need to:

  1. Create the bundle in the Nyla app
  2. Create and publish a bundle page on Nyla using Nyla sections that match up to your bundle type
  3. Add your bundle products in Shopify to collections so they can be featured on your PLPs  

When you add a bundle in the Nyla app, it creates two separate things: 

  1. Nyla Bundle (e.g the Bundle Source). This is the bundle that customers will purchase on your site.  
    1. When a customer purchases a bundle on Nyla, each product within the bundle is added to the order as an individual line item. This means that things like tracking inventory and fulfilment for products included in your bundles all works exactly in the same way that it does for those individual products. 
  2. A bundle product in Shopify: 
    1. Nyla writes a bundle product to Shopify so that you can add bundles to PLPs, make them searchable and use them with metafields. See more details here

Current bundles limitations:  

  • If a discount is applied, it won't stack with other discounts on your site
  • Bundles will work with one time purchases only, you cannot combine bundles and subscriptions at present

Setting up your Bundle in the Bundles App: 

In order to create a Bundle in Nyla, you need to create it in the bundles app. You access this through Apps > Bundles. Adding a bundle in the Nyla app makes it available as a bundle source on your site (just like a product source or collection source from Shopify).

Bundles need to be published through the app in order for them to be available as a bundle source on your site. 

Shopify bundle product: 

When you create a bundle in Nyla, Nyla will write a Bundle product to your Shopify site. 

This is required so that you can: 

  • Display your bundles on PLPs, in Search and so on
  • Use bundle-level metafields in your configuration

Note that the bundle product in Shopify is simply a "container" for bundle information, customers cannot add this product to cart. When they add a Nyla bundle to cart from a bundle PDP, they are adding the individual products contained in that bundle. 


  • You should make sure that the slug of your bundle product matches the URL of the product page you create for your bundle
  • You need to add product images to your bundle product in Shopify in order for them to show up on PLPs 

Bundle details: 

Populating this section in your Bundle app will write the details to the corresponding product in Shopify. After you've filled it out, you should go to Shopify to update this information. Clicking on Edit product will take you to edit the Bundle product in Shopify. 

Bundle types:

  • Single product: sell multiple items of the same product. You can set discount tiers to encourage volume purchasing (e.g buy 3 get 5% off, buy 5 get 10% off buy 10 get 25% off).
  • Fixed bundle: create a bundle with a specific number of product slots. This allows customers to choose which variant of each product in the bundle they want to add. Using this bundle type with products that are required or included by default can enable advanced configuration and personalized bundling. 
  • Build a set: enable customers to build their own bundle from eligible products that you choose. Like with single product bundles, you can set discount tiers to encourage customers to add more products to their bundle. 

Adding products to your bundle: 

Products need to be published in Shopify and in the Nyla sales channel in order to be added to your bundle. 

"Required" and "Included by default" (fixed bundles):

Note: These settings only apply to fixed bundles. 

"Required" and "Included by default" allow you to create advanced bundles with customization options available to your customers. 

Setting an item in a bundle as required means that customers cannot add their bundle to cart unless they have selected a variant for that option. If a product is not required, customers can add their bundle to cart without adding it to their bundle. 

The included by default setting enables you set the product to be included by default in the bundle. This applies to both required and non-required products. 

When configuring the bundle template, you can enable this using the isRequired, isIncluded and isIncludedByDefault properties and the APPS_BUNDLE_SET_INCLUDED_AS_TRUE  , APPS_BUNDLE_SET_INCLUDED_AS_FALSE , APPS_BUNDLE_TOGGLE_INCLUDED link actions.  

Discount vs no discount:    

When creating bundles, you can choose the discount you want to offer. It is possible to set a discount in %, or for you to choose no discount. It is also possible to offer multiple discounting tiers. 

You can set discount tiers, which allow you to set different discounts based on how many products customers add to their bundle. 

Setting a discount in % applies the same percentage discount to all products within the bundle. If a customer qualifies for the next tier, the following discount will be applied to all products in the bundle. When a discount is applied to a bundle, a draft order is placed on Shopify which means that discount codes cannot be combined with the bundle order. 

Choosing No Discount means that the bundle will be the price of all of the products that were added in the bundle by the customer at the time they check out. When this option is selected, no draft order will be placed on Shopify which means that discount codes can be combined with bundle orders. 

Understanding bundle orders

When customers purchase bundles, each of the product in the bundle will be present on the order as individual line items. They will have the following line item properties added: 

  • _isBundle: denotes the order line item as a product that was part of a bundle
  • _bundleDiscountsPercentage: tells you the discount % that was applied to the bundle
  • _bundleId: enables you to associate the items within a specific bundle in the event that there are multiple bundles present on the same order. 

Adding Bundles to your Nyla site 

Once you have set up your bundle in the app, you need to add it to a page on Nyla and publish it in order for customers to be able to shop your bundle. 

In order to do so, Bundles appear as a source that pull in from the Bundles you have published in the app, similar to product or collection sources that pull from Shopify.

Note that only published bundles will appear, so you need to publish them in the app ahead of using them on your site. 

In order to add a bundle to a page, you would need to choose/build a template that corresponds to the bundle you have set up in your app.

Building bundle templates

Bundle Source works like a normal source in Nyla. You can see the link actions and properties here. You would use them in the same way you would with a source product or collection in order to build your bundle templates. 

Line item properties and bundles

It is possible to use line item properties within bundles for each individual product within the bundle.

Product defaults and bundles 

It is possible to use default option values that you set at the product level using the metafields method with bundles. Note these defaults apply sitewide, so it would appear on the PDP and within the bundles you use the product in.