Bulk Edit (beta)

Manage your content in bulk via our beta bulk edit feature

Bulk Edit and Duplicate enable you to launch or edit multiple pages at the same time. These tools enable you to bulk duplicate pages, hide or unhide pages from search results, see the status of pages and queue/unqueue pages. To access Bulk Edit go to Settings > Bulk Edit. 

The most common use case for bulk edit is to create Product or Collection Pages in bulk during onboarding

This article walks you through how to use the following: 

Bulk Duplicate:

Bulk Duplicate enables you to duplicate a page of your choosing. This is often useful when creating collection and product pages in bulk. 

When duplicated, pages are created in queued state. 

Using Bulk Duplicate:

Before using Bulk Duplicate, you should ensure that:

  1. The page that you are going to duplicate is published 
  2. If you are duplicating product/collection pages, we recommend to make sure the page you are duplicating is using a page source
  3. None of the URLs that you want to create already exist. It is possible to have a duplicate of the same product or collection source, but each URL needs to be unique. 
  4. The page you want to copy is ready to be copied (e.g you are happy with the contents of the page prior to duplicating it)

Tip: If you want to create 2 pages with the same page source, you should update the page slug on one entry to avoid duplicated URLs, e.g adding "-2" or "-copy" to the end of the handle.

Once ready to begin: 

  1. Navigate to Bulk Duplicate (Site Settings > Bulk Edit > Bulk Duplicate)
  2. Select the page you want to copy. This page will act as the base for the pages you'll create. 
  3. After selecting your page, download the CSV file.
  4. On the CSV file, you add the URL handle for each of the pages you want to copy. Each handle should be on a separate line. 
    1. If the page is using a source, you should enter the Shopify handle in the Page Source Product/Collection Handle column (as in the image below)

    2. If the page is not using a source, you should enter the url handle in the Page slug column 

  5. Upload the CSV to Nyla. 
    1. If you have any errors at this stage, such as URLs already existing you will need to fix all errors prior to re-uploading the CSV. 
  6. Once complete, if you want your duplicated pages to be published, you should then publish your queued pages. 

In this example, the collection page will be duplicated for pages with the slugs duplicate-a, duplicate-b, duplicate-c: 

When populating the CSV, only the handle from your URL is required, for example: 

yoursite.com/products/{handle} or yoursite.com/collections/{handle}



When running your duplication, Nyla will first check whether there are any: 

  • Invalid urls
  • Duplicate urls  

If you have any errors you will see a warning message and you will need to update your csv and re-upload in order to continue with the bulk duplication. 


Bulk Edit:

Bulk Edit allows you to:

  • Hide or unhide pages from search results
  • See the status of pages 
  • Queue/unqueue pages


  • Changing page visibility requires being queued and published in order to take effect
  • After queuing pages, you can go to the publish screen in order to publish them