Back in Stock (App)

Notify customers when products are back in stock

In order to use the Back in Stock app powered by on your Nyla site, you should:

  1. Activate the app via Apps > Back in Stock > Activate. Once you have done this then Save and Publish the change. 
  2. Add the modal to your site. To do this, we recommend using the following Nyla block: 

    See this video for how to add the block. Note that it shows the Klaviyo back in stock block, to use the Back in stock one, simply choose the block noted below, but the steps to add this to your site are the same. 


Block Name: Back in Stock Modal: Back in Stock

  • Adds the Back in Stock Modal layout using the Back in Stock app
  • Can be used in both the PDP and PLP

To add this block:

    1. The Back in Stock app must be activated
    2. The block can only be added inside a source product/collection
    3. You need to link the Out of stock state for the add to cart CTA to the that has been added. To do this: 
      1. Navigate to the add to cart content item that should generate the modal if a product is out of stock
      2. Select the Out of stock state 
      3. Add a link to the modal 
      4. Change the messaging on the Back in stock state for the CTA to reflect that it is clickable (e.g a common best practice is to change the copy to "Notify me")
      Important: if using inside of different places on the same page (e.g inside of a cross sell that appears on the PDP), you should name the modal differently each time. For example: Back in Stock Modal PDP , Back in Stock Modal Cross Sell. 
    4. Update the styling of the form and modal to meet your needs

Building the form from scratch:

    1. Add a form within Source: Product or Source: Collection that will appear if an item is out of stock. The most common UI for this is to add a modal that triggers when clicked on the Out of Stock state on an Add to Cart content item
    2. You should add a form action of SUBMIT_BACK_IN_STOCK to the form and ensure that the form has an input field for users to enter their email.