
Add longer text sections to your website

Text is available within the Core section of content items.




Type the text. Text content items use Rich text for formatting.



Choose a Color styles

Paragraph spacing

Override the default paragraph spacing (set in Typography styles)

The text content item has two Elements that you can use to configure truncating text. 

  • Truncate text: Enables you to truncate your text after a specific number of characters using the Truncate at x characters field. Show ellipsis toggles whether to show an ellipsis after your truncated text. 
  • Read more: Configure the CTA that shows after your text when it has been truncated to either expand or collapse the text.
    • The default state is the CTA for when the text appears truncated. When clicked it will expand the truncated text. 
    • The expanded state enables you to configure the CTA when the text appears expanded. When clicked it will collapse the truncated text. 

Text truncated at 50 characters: 


Read more settings for the default state: 

Read more settings for the expanded state: 
