
Activating Accessibe: 

To add Accessibe to your site, you should:

  • Activate Accessibe, registering your site domain in the Accessibe dashboard. If support is required on this step, you should reach out to the Accessibe team. It is not necessary to install the Shopify app.
    • Note that installing Accessibe on Shopify and whitelisting for your Nyla site can cause issues on licensing with Accessibe given that your Shopify theme sub-domain will have checkout.{your-store-name} ahead of your store name (see more here). If you need assistance with this you should reach out to Accessibe. 
  • Activate the app in Nyla. There is no need to enter any activation settings provided that your domain is set up in Accessibe and you have activated the Shopify app first. 

Once you have done the above, you should make sure to queue and publish the app in order for it to show up on your site. Your Accessibe widget will only show up on the domains you have whitelisted / activated their licenses for on . Therefore if you have a pre-launch domain with a different address to that you have licensed on, the widget will not show up. 

Customising Accessibe: 

The app in Nyla has app settings that enable you to edit your Accessibe interface per the options in this doc. Note these customisation settings will not work if your Accessibe app is installed in Shopify. 


Nyla works with a variety of frontend apps, powering your site for everything up to checkout. Learn more about Nyla & Apps here. All third party apps are managed by the app themselves, meaning that Nyla integrations and use of these apps is limited to making them available on your Nyla site. Should you have any questions beyond our below guide about 3P app management, customization options, or general functionality, please reach out to the app directly.